Poverty Alleviation
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Health education & micro-finance model for sustainable development:
Micro finance is a development approach for the poor. For sustainable development of poor people it is need in development of self-confidence, health services, training on financial literacy and management capabilities, with savings & credit services as ultimate demand based package services towards the economic & social development of the poor people. SASUS has been practicing micro finance program for a long time with a view to developed livelihood status.
Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) of SASUS:
The poor community normally does not have access to Bank loan or not trusted by traditional money lenders, now they can easily secure loan for generation of family income. This opportunity is for non-traditional lending sectors through the micro finance program of Seba Artha Samajik Unnayan Sangstha (SASUS), Delduar, Tangail, Bangladesh. We mentioned here that the program has been implementing in Delduar & Lauhati Unions of Delduar Upazila in Tangail district Bangladesh.
Based on that experience SASUS has developed a micro finance model and it has been implementing the model in a cost effective way to overcome the difficulties of maintaining livelihood management interventions towards attacking poverty for the comprehensive development of disadvantaged and under privileged people. Before economic poverty people need to get rid other human poverty like education, health etc. The long time practicing experience tells that livelihood security which results sustainability shall have to face obstacle if the development interventions are not an integrated one. Our experience says that micro finance and other social development support work together to attack on poverty most successfully. The above mentioned social development and micro finance support of SASUS help the poor people in a very effective way to extend in the society in a better position. Thus SASUS micro finance model will attain the acceptability in civil society as the cost effective micro finance model in the area.
Financial Support:
Empowerment of poor & hard-core poor people both male & female through economic and financial emancipation is one of the main activities of SASUS. It has been implementing several program of the projects through which SASUS is providing financial support to aforesaid people with a view to reduce their poverty. Major financial support services are credit program, savings program.
Major objectives of credit program:
To empower the poor & vulnerable people both male & female and reduce their poverty.
To utilize their own resources for Income Generating Activities.
To create employment/self-employment opportunity for the poor people.
To initiate the creativity of the poor family and
To mobilize & utilize the local resources.
Employment Opportunity:
Up to 30 June 2020 total disbursement are of BDT 342,200,417/- among the 18666 group members. Out of 18666 members 14623 are female and rest 4043 are male. Out of 14623 female 11677 are involved in direct income earning activities. This can be considering as a grate leap forward towards women empowerment. Creating employment opportunities for the hard-core poor people is another objective of SASUS. To attain this objective SASUS always encourages its borrowers to employ people from the bottom poor families at their ventures. In this area it has succeeded to some significant extent. As yet a total of 2337 members have been self employed out of the program. SASUS gives priority to employment for hard-core poor in order to stable the social harmony that exists in our society over the years and to mitigate the disparity in earnings and access to resources for bottom poor sufferers of the society.
Evidences & achievement said earlier show that RLF right forward toward micro enterprises & contribute to vigorous growth of agriculture and can create numerous employment opportunities for the hard-core poor resulting in better living status in the community. RLF its way forward will continue engaging women in enterprises eventually empowering women to minimize existing gender disparity in our society.
A Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was constituted in 1997 under the program to finance small Income Generating Activities (IGA) under taken by the group members of local initiatives support services project. Being extremely poor, the group members were excluded from micro credit program operated by the other NGOs in the area. Them SASUS issued worth BDT-5,000/- to 5,00,000/- per members on very flexible credit terms. Loans were repaid in single installment annually which depending on the Income Generating Activities (IGA). This enabled the borrowers to make the repayments of loan without compromising their present need. They utilized these loan amount in various Income Generating Activities such as; small trade, poultry birds rearing, cow fattening, milch cow rearing & other project. The group members also deposited savings to SASUS in weakly meetings.
Taking advantage of repeat loans they could slowly improve their economic status. Also the degree and extend of hunger and starvation was significantly reduce. They had no always deficit house hold among the group members towards the end of second terms loan.
Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) of SASUS:
The poor community normally does not have access to Bank loan or not trusted by traditional money lenders, now they can easily secure loan for generation of family income. This opportunity is for non-traditional lending sectors through the micro finance program of Seba Artha Samajik Unnayan Sangstha (SASUS), Delduar, Tangail, Bangladesh. We mentioned here that the program has been implementing in Delduar & Lauhati Unions of Delduar Upazila in Tangail district Bangladesh.
The said area is vulnerable to natural calamities like flood, cyclone & river erosion. The area is agro based but the agricultural sector is undeveloped & unable to keep pace with the growing need of the area in terms of food & employment. Non-farm activities in the area are limited. Acute poverty, diseases, malnutrition, ill-literacy, ill-health, ignorance, civic inertia and unemployment are the common way of life in the area. On the other hand, due to lack of infrastructure and enabling political culture/environment private sectors are not growing in the pace in Bangladesh as one could have expected comparing its potentialities. As a result agriculture still remains as the mainstay of its economy. However, this sector can hardly support the hundred & hundreds of people joining in agriculture labor market every year due population explosion. Having no formal schooling and skills, many of them cannot find jobs and live an ignominious live in object poverty and impoverishment. The micro credit program has been provided unique opportunity to take out a living through self-employment. Out of loan programs SASUS beneficiaries are able to engages themselves in various income generating activities such as small trade, poultry birds rearing, cow fattening, milch cow rearing, vegetable gardening, fisheries, agriculture development and small business and others for reduction of their poverty. The basic reasons of poverty of the area among general message are associate with;
- Non-existence of savings habit among general message.
- Lack of credit facilities on easy terms.
- Unplanned utilization of credit money.
- Lack of relevant scheme wise skills & marketing facilities.
To overcome the situation and promote the economic rights of the organized group members, SASUS intends to extend credit support to the group members for undertaking viable income generating activities (IGAs) for regular income to elevate poverty through active involvement and participation.
The preconditions of credit distribution are of;
- Regular in group meetings & raising savings fund;
- Active and conscious participation in group activities;
- Ability to proper utilization of credit amount;
- Commitment for installment wise repayment;
- Scheme will be of socially & economically profitable.
Group members have to apply to the group through prescribed pro-forma starting the importance of the scheme for credit as financial support. Afterwards the said application will be reviewed at the group meetings and taken decision for credit disbursement after justifying its accountability and feasibility. Thereafter, the said application will be recommended to SASUS for credit disbursement. Credit is being distributed through agreement.
Credit recovery is installment wise. Service charge is recovered out of credit money for making the program self-supporting and to erase relief mentality.
Out of credit recovery a revolving fund is being generating for extension of similar activities among other group members for regular income to alleviate poverty & hunger. This program is called Revolving Loan Fund (RLF). SASUS has been started this program in 1997 with some group of people in Delduar & Lauhati union of Delduar Upazila in Tangail district, Bangladesh, with the financial assistance of SASUS committee members and group members savings from its inceptions. On the other hand, loan realized are credited and form a part of the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for extending further credit. This process of landing, recovery and further landing ensure that the micro-credit facilities are not able to provide loan to all members due lack of necessary fund. A minimum 1% loan loss reserve is kept in order to cover the risk of default loans.