COVID-19 Project
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Title of the Project: Covid-19 Awareness build up training, consultation, free distribution & different skill development training programs to improve the life style of the disadvantaged people.
Locations of the Project: Total 81 upazila of nine Districts in Bangladesh which are Tangail, Sirajgonj, Bogura, Rongpur, Gaibandha, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Nilphamari & Dinajpur.
Addresses of the organization: Delduar, Post- Delduar, Upazilla- Delduar, District- Tangail, Bangladesh.Tel: 88-01710857571.
SASUS-creating awareness and prevention for preparedness response training on COVID-19 pandemic to Bangladesh:
SASUS organization is Non Government organizations working on humanitarian intervention in Tangail region through provision of primary health care services as well as nutrition and other humanitarian interventions, however, having the working is main beneficiaries are vulnerable and displaced population in Tangail region and the field staff are in contact of huge number of these displaced community members. The spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is the most serious global health security threat in decades.
There initiatives by SASUS for Covid-19 awareness build up training program among the poor people, disadvantaged people, disabled people, incureable diseases patients, female, deprived people, tortured women, divorced women, unemployment people, adolescents boys & girls, drop out students in this pandemic situation in 81 upazila under nine Districts in Bangladesh which are Tangail, Sirajgonj, Bogura, Gaibandha, Rongpur, Lalmonirhat, Kurigram, Nilphamari & Dinajpur. We will make the people trained up 250(two hundred fifty) persons per upazila every year in 81 upazila. Within 3 years total trained up people will be 60,750 persons in nine districts by SASUS.
Free Mask & Hand sanitizer distribution:
Mask and Hand sanitizer was distributed to the poor people in 81 upazila under nine districts. Every year 2000 boxes Mask and 2000pcs Hand sanitizer is distributed freely in 81 upazilla.
Pre-cautions will be followed:
- All health authority hygiene precautions and advice are being followed.
- Antibacterial hand wash widely available.
- Handwashing/ Hygiene signage and reminders are in place.
- Frequent delegate and employee communications occur at all locations.
- Follow national guidelines on social distancing, methodology and equipment.
- Follow certifying bodies guidelines on methodology, equipment and hygiene.
In this back drop, SASUS management team having seen the spreed of the COVID-19 spread across the globe, hence creating concern on the severity and the vulnerability of Tangail due its poor health system nature as well as livelihood.
By quick administrative action and raising awareness in individuals for social-distancing and stringent steps were taken to manage the spread of disease by cancelling thousands of activities of social gatherings in offices, clubs, classrooms, reception centres, transport services, travel restrictions, contact tracing leaving the countries in complete lockdown. Yet weeks of being in isolation, quarantine, physical trauma creates further loneliness and anxiety and issues of a mental health crisis that have been mostly overlooked. At the individual level and the government level, proper risk communication is required. Special attention should be given to combat child and women abuse. Necessary action should be proposed for the post-recovery phase, suicide prevention, and mental health management. Several cases of suicide were reported due to the fear and stress of COVID-19 infection symptoms, job-loss, sudden fall to extreme poverty, economic crisis, hunger and unable to cope with social hatred. This kind of traumatic situation should be dealt with immediately by SASUS through proper community counselling.
Adapting training and skills development to meet the COVID-19 Challenge:
Training and capacity building has been a critical pillar in this recent outbreak. SASUS long standing training programme has developed new solutions in a short time to meet the demands of disadvantaged people and to ensure that all responders can meet their learning skills development needs.
SASUS capacity building and Training network has been mobilized in 81 upazila under nine districts in Bangladesh expressing their commitment to the collaborative design, development and delivery of COVID-19 capacity building and training initiatives.
We continue to build the SASUS courses that are currently in development and where possible explore options for remote delivery (as needed and balancing required investment versus quality and impact).
Thus, SASUS management team have organize a day for its 55 health project staff training/workshop to enable equip them with the right information and to enable them cascade the same to the communities they are serving, hence the training was meant to serve the field staff with better awareness and step taken in the event of the CONVID-19 spread in either their working areas in which they are providing primary health care services.
SASUS COVID-19, training content:
- Introduction
- What is COVID-19?
- General COVID-19 guidance
- Case definitions and care pathways
- Infection prevention
- Respiratory and Hand hygiene
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Cleaning and decontamination
- Patient placement and assessment for Infection Risk (Screening/Triaging).
- Stepdown of Infection control precautions and discharging
- Continuing to deliver care services
- Summary
Objectives of the Training:
- Enhance project field staff capacity on through improving community awareness, prevention and sensitization of COVID-19 best practices.
- To cascade public health information on CVID-19 practices to the grassroots level.
- To improved knowledge of the participants in order to manage problem related to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases in their primary health intervention sites.
- Understand referral modalities in case of suspect within the target people by SASUS.
- Briefing of staff on COVID-19, outbreak and current status of the country, How to recognize the danger signs of COVID-19,mask myth.
- Dos and Don’t of COVID-19(Prevention mechanism, promotion aspect on Handwashing/sanitizers with 60% alcohol content, not to touch eyes, nose and mouth with your handstands, social distances.
- Referral paths and reporting mechanism in case of suspected cases in health centers and outreach clinics.
- Role of health staff in promoting active community case management.
COVID-19 training achievement/Outcomes:
- To know COVID-19 signs and symptoms.
- Hygiene aspect on handwashing with running water or use of sanitizers (60% alcohol content).
- Community sensitization and awareness creation through SASUS active primary health care health facilities and outreach clinics sites.
- Health education and coordination with religious leaders and camp leaders.
- COVID-19 signs with clear information in the local language for ease of understanding the steps/measure of prevention.
- Coordination, Referral and reporting of suspected case through the government isolation an/or emergency response team hotline.
- SASUS staff awareness enhanced and will be able to cascade the same in their respective area.
- Knowledge prevention modalities improved among the field staff hence ensuring to reach the same with the community.
- Improved coordination, referral and reporting skills among the staff enhanced, while tasking the field in charge to deliver coordinated response reporting.